Book in your fully qualified Roof Survey

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Fully qualified home surveyors, get your roof survey as quick as 24 hours, understand the condition of your property

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The easiest way to book in trusted local roof surveyors in your area!

Homemove helps 1000s of people move home each year and assists them with advice from getting set up to sell their property through to booking in their roof survey online so they can take the next step in their homemoving journey. We remove the friction and make the process rewarding.

Homemove Roof Surveyors

The roof surveyors we work with:

  • are highly qualified and registered
  • cover nationally based locally
  • have an outstanding reputation
Book Your Roof Survey

What do you get with our Roof Survey reports?

Your exhaustive roof survey report will be carried out by your local surveyor and will give you an in-depth evaluation of your roof and it's condition. Your survey includes a meticulous inspection, detection, and expert advice, supported by additional photos to deliver a complete overview. The report will cover some of the following key areas:

  • Flat Roofs: They will evaluate the overall condition, test the roof covering and decking for soft spots, and make an estimation on its lifespan.
  • Roof Windows and Skylights: They are interested in the quality of the installation and the flashing, and they will also be on the hunt for any cracked glass or foggy units.
  • Dormer Roofs: Just like the others, they will check the covering and its condition, and also estimate its remaining lifespan.
  • Roof Structure: They are going to do both external and internal checks for any sagging or spreading, plus inspect the purlin support and condition, the amount of internal light, any condensation issues, ventilation, wall plates, tie bars, and general condition.
Homemove Roofing Survey
Homemove Roof Surveyors
  • Guttering and Rainwater Systems: They will look to estimate how long these systems are going to hold up, while also on the lookout for any blockages, damage, or leaks.
  • Chimney Stacks: It's all about the bricks and mortar here - we need to make sure they're solid. They will also keep an eye out for any loose chimney pots and worn flaunching, not to mention the condition of the flashings.
  • Roof Covering: Here, they will get a feel for the age of the covering and how much longer it's expected to last, and compare it to other similar properties. They are also going to make sure no sneaky leaks are present.
  • Ridge Tiles: They will check on the health of the ridge tiles and the mortar, as well as inspecting the ridge iron.
  • Valleys and Gulleys: These areas will have an expected lifespan as well. They will look out for fatigue splits, shoddy repair work, and the condition of the mortar.

The steps to getting your Roof Survey report


Get a quote

The initial step involves completing a brief online questionnaire. If the property is deemed suitable for a roof survey, you may proceed with purchasing the survey directly via our website. We will confirm your preferred time, date of survey with any bespoke requests.



After scheduling the survey for a convenient time, you can relax and wait. Our knowledgeable building surveyors will examine the property as soon as they can and will keep you updated throughout the procedure.



The written report including photos should arrive within 48 hours of the roof survey's completion.

What you’ll learn from your Roof Survey

You can rely on your local roof surveyor to have a wealth of knowledge about your roof, the local property types, and any red flags to keep an eye out for. They'll provide a thorough assessment to give you peace of mind, and you'll know exactly what you're getting into.

Book Roofing Surveys

During the assessment, your surveyor will scour every inch of your roof, including associated structures such as walls, gutters, and supporting timber. The goal is to spot any major issues that might have gone unnoticed. This in-depth roof report can be crucial in scenarios like:

  • Building is old and showing signs deterioration
  • Roof is visibly damaged and you need to know to what extent
  • Concerns highlighted about the roof in a previous report

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What is a roof survey, and why do I need one?

A roof survey is a comprehensive inspection of your roof by a professional surveyor. They'll scrutinise the condition of your roof, including the tiles, flashing, chimney, gutters, and any associated supporting structures. The aim is to identify any wear and tear, damage, or potential issues that could cause problems down the line.


When is the best time to have a roof survey done?


Who performs a roof survey?


What types of issues can a roof survey identify?

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